Minggu, 01 Juli 2012


Muladi Wibowo jurnal


The objectives of research are to determine the internal factors, external factors, learning factors and readiness of the instrument which affect the interest of vocational students in Surakarta for entrepreneurship after graduate school and what is the most dominant factor affecting student interest in vocational school in Surakarta to be entrepreneur after graduateschool. The data was collected using a questionnaire. 

The number of samples to be analyzed were 490 respondents, by using cluster sampling method of random sampling at 40 vocational school and selected 7 cluster vocational school in Surakarta. Data analysis
methods used were validity test, reliability test, t test, F test and determination coefficient test (R2). The result of partial test by using t test says variable internal factors (X1), external factors (X2), Learning factors (X3) and instrument readiness factors (X4) tested has a real positive influence or significant to the interest the students in entrepreneurship after graduation school. The result of F test has been conducted proving that the internal factor variable (X1), external factors (X2), learning factors (X3) and instrument of readiness factors
(X4), jointly or simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on the students' interest for entrepreneurship after graduating school. Learning factor is being the most dominant variable which affecting students' interest in entrepreneurship after graduate  school. This is proven by the result of regression analysis of the learning factor provide value 0,377 (37.7%).
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Students, SMK

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